Press Releases
VR100 Series Paperless Recorder
The OMEGA« VR100 paperless recorder series offers real time display of data on a color LCD display and data storage on a standard 3.5 inch floppy disk. For enhanced reliability and performance, flash memory is used to hold data for a single download to the floppy when inserted. The unit measures up to four or six channels of signals from DC voltage, thermocouple, or RTD sources. Case styles are offered for use in a panel or as a portable desk type unit. The applications software running on a PC, allows the data stored on the floppy disk to be displayed on the PC, printed, or exported.
Priced at $3425.
For more information on this new product, contact OMEGA Engineering,
Inc.; or use our OMEGAfaxSM service to request Document #8058 by calling
1-800-848-4271 from any Touch-Tone phone.
For more information on this new product, contact OMEGA Engineering,